
logo design

inochi's strong involvement from design concept through to implementation in all areas of design + architecture creates strong + powerful brands.


At inochi we understand the importance of brand. A brand is a symbolic representation of identity connected with a product, company, service or person – 
an important component of any culture, environment + economy. From early concept stage, inochi's strong use of graphic elements – large scale graphic feature walls, signage and logos – are incorporated into designs and promotional material in order to create the whole brand experience. Incorporating graphics at the concept stage ensures consistency and uniformity of the brand – creating extremely strong concepts for our clients. A small selection of 
inochi's interior branding projects can be viewed below.


  • logo design by inochi
  • logo design by inochi
  • logo design by inochi
  • inc. cronulla logo by inochi
  • The Backroom logo designed by inochi
  • logo design